トップページ 日本放射線化学会について 入会案内
入会案内 放射線化学討論会 国内の研究会・シンポジウム情報 国際学会・シンポジウム情報 会員の皆様へのお知らせ 学会誌「放射線化学」の紹介 放射線化学 若手の会
リンク 掲示板 事務局

Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory, Fundamental Interactions of Radiation Group.


We are currently seeking candidates for postdoctoral research associate positions. A wide variety of research projects in fundamental to applied radiation effects are available. Positions exist for experimental and theoretical studies of water radiolysis, including radical formation and reaction, radiation effects in the environment, and track structure effects. New studies are being initiated in the radiolysis of liquid water - ceramic oxide interfaces. A Ph.D. in chemistry or physics is required. Knowledge of radiation effects is desirable. Experimental candidates should be familiar with modern analytic techniques. Theoretical candidates should have experience with advanced programming languages and computational simulation methods. Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory one of the premier institutes in the world for studying radiation effects. It is operated by the University of Notre Dame in cooperation with the US Department of Energy. Candidates should send their curriculum vitae and the names of three references to Prof. Jay A. LaVerne, 314 Radiation Laboratory, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556-0579 or laverne.1@nd.edu .


最終更新日: 2004年3月4日