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Postdoctoral position in fs/ps pulse radiolysis

Dear colleagues,

Attached please find an announcement of the postdoctoral position being opened in Prague to design, build and use an ultra-fast pulse radiolysis end-station at the prospective ELI Beamlines facility [http://www.eli-beams.eu/]. Please, spread the information about the postdoctoral fellowship among your co-workers who could be interested in.

Many thanks in advance.

With best regards,

Libor Juha


Dr. Libor Juha
Head of the Department of Radiation and Chemical Physics
Institute of Physics
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Na Slovance 2
182 21 Prague 8
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 266052741
Fax: +420 286890265
E-mail: juha@fzu.cz(@を半角にしてください)

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最終更新日: 2012年8月7日