from the Airports to Takasaki

Access to Takasaki from Narita International Airport or Haneda Airport is mainly by the railway system.

There are several routes to Takasaki. We recommend taking trains to Tokyo (or Ueno) station first. Then Joetsu or Hokuriku Shinkansen can have you in Takasaki within 1 hr. Another route to Takasaki is a direct route by bus from the airports. They takes 3 hours or more to Takasaki depending on traffic conditions.

The routes are shown in the image below.

from Takasaki Station to Takasaki City Gallery
35-1 Takamatsucho, Takasaki, Gunma, Japan

It is about 10 minutes on foot from Takasaki Station West Exit.
If you can not see the map below, please use the pdf instead.
